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Council Meetings

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Council Meetings

Information on attending Council meetings, dates, public questions, petitions, deputations, and Standing Orders.

Council meeting attendance

In-person council meetings

Council meetings are convened in the City's Administration Building, commencing at 6pm, with the public invited to attend in person.

Will council meetings be livestreamed?

It is the City's intent to livestream its Council meetings via YouTube. To watch the meeting simply visit the City's YouTube channel.

How can I submit a public question or deputation?

Public questions and deputations are to be submitted online and should be lodged by 12 noon on the day of the Agenda Briefing or Ordinary Council Meeting. Visit this web link below and select either 1) submit a question for a council meeting or 2) request a deputation to address Council.

When requesting a deputation to address Council, you can upload the contents of your deputation at the time you complete your request. You are required to attend the meeting in person to present your deputation.

How can I access agendas and minutes?

Agendas and minutes are available on online via the Agendas and Minutes page.

Council meeting dates

Agenda Briefings and Ordinary Council Meetings commence at 6pm and are held in the City’s Council Chambers.

Agenda Briefings

Ordinary Council Meetings

2024 2024
8 October
12 November
3 December
15 October
19 November
10 December

Agenda Briefing papers are published a week prior to the advertised date of the Agenda Briefing.
Ordinary Council Meeting papers are published on the Friday before the meeting date.

Public question time

Members of the public may submit questions in advance of the meeting.

Public question time is conducted in accordance with Clause 4.5 of the City of Canning Standing Orders Local Law 2015 and Council Policy AD.02 Question time at Council Meeting. In brief:

  • Questions must be brief and concise.
  • Questions for the Agenda Briefing must relate to one of the reports being presented.
  • Questions for the Council meeting must relate to the ordinary business of the City of Canning/function of the Council.

Please submit your public questions by midday on the day of the Agenda Briefing or Council Meeting. Public questions can be submitted by completing the submit a question for a council meeting online form.

At the meetings please note:

  • No debate or discussion is permitted on any question or answer.
  • Questions are to be directed to the Presiding Member at the meeting, who at their discretion may:
    • accept or reject the question
    • request a member of the public to re-phrase their statement in the form of a question
    • nominate a Member of the Council or an Officer to answer the question.
  • A question may be 'taken on notice' with a written response provided post meeting.
  • A summary of each question and response is recorded in the minutes.


​A petition can be lodged in the Mailbox at the City's Administration Building. Upon ensuring it meets the guidelines, the petition will then be presented at the next available Ordinary Council Meeting. Further information is found on the Petitions page.


A deputation is an opportunity to address Council on any item that is the responsibility of the City of Canning or relating to an item on a Council meeting agenda. An owner, applicant or any member of the public with an interest in the item can make a deputation at an Ordinary Council Meeting. A Deputation presented at an Agenda Briefing must relate to an item on the agenda.

You will need to register your request by completing the Deputation request online by midday on the day of the Agenda Briefing or Ordinary Council Meeting. Your deputation, if approved, will be granted a maximum of 10 minutes.

In most instances each person who requests a deputation shall be given the opportunity to do so. However, where we expect a large number of deputations on a particular item, all deputation requests will be considered by the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer and the number approved may be limited.

You will be advised of your request.

During the deputation period, the Presiding Member will call you to come forward to the public microphone, where you will state your name and address and provide your deputation.

Your deputation should focus on the agenda item before Council and should address the following:

  1. Do you agree with or object to the staff recommendation in the report?
  2. State your reasons for agreeing with or objecting to the recommendation.

The time allotted for each deputation will be a maximum of 10 minutes. The total number of speakers is limited to two.

Standing orders

Council Meeting procedures are governed by the City's Standing Orders Local Law. You will find information within the City of Canning Standing Orders (PDF 2MB).

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